ICE 2020
In response to the global COVID-19 pandemic, we announce that the 19th International Congress of Endocrinology (ICE 2020), 4th Latin American Congress of Endocrinology (CONLAEN) and 13th Congress of the Argentine Federation of Endocrinology Societies (FASEN) will not take place in the form of an in person meeting in as it was originally scheduled to take place in “La Rural” Convention and Exhibition Center, Buenos Aires, Argentina on October 4-7, 2020.
As always, the health and safety of our attendees, partners, vendors and staff is our priority. For weeks, we have closely monitored updates from the World Health Organization (WHO) on the ongoing COVID-19 outbreak and have worked with our Local Organizing Committee (LOC) and local health authorities in Argentina, while thoroughly exploring all possible options. Our difficult decision comes as the number of COVID-19 cases have continued to escalate worldwide and increasing global travel restrictions have been put in place.
To adapt to the current situation, we are excited to announce that the 19th International Congress of Endocrinology (ICE 2020), 4th Latin American Congress of Endocrinology (CONLAEN) and 13th Congress of the Argentine Federation of Endocrinology Societies (FASEN) will be transformed into a virtual meeting during February 2021.
ISE, FELAEN and FASEN, with the Escola Britânica de Artes Criativas e Tecnologia (EBAC) and ICE2020 POC will plan an updated scientific program adapted to a virtual format. This innovating and interactive virtual event will be an exciting experience that showcases an outstanding scientific program with presentations of the highest level given by leaders and experts from around the world. We are committed to support the Endocrinology community to connect, share the latest scientific data and access educational opportunities during these challenging times. The virtual experience will be an opportunity to come together, collaborate and share the latest advancements in endocrinology field, offering the opportunity to learn and collaborate across a variety of approaches, disciplines, and specialties, providing an engaging on-demand and live sessions and where you will be able to enrich with the virtual networking.
We will share further detailed information about the virtual meeting format as soon as possible to provide participants, sponsors and partners with sufficient time to plan accordingly.
We would like to particularly recognize all the individuals who have spent countless hours preparing for the ICE 2020 Congress, specifically the Program Organizing Committee led by co-Chairs Susan Webb and Ariel Sanchez, as well as the LOC, the speakers who had accepted our invitation and the ICE congress staff.
We sincerely hope that you all remain safe and be assured that we remain committed to delivering an exceptional ICE2020 virtual meeting.
Prof. Hugo R. Boquete, MD
President of the Local Organizing Committee ICE 2020
Prof. André Lacroix MD
ISE Chairperson

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